Breadfruit Harvesting Guideline
This guideline is intended to help co-op members and suppliers properly identify, harvest, and handle mature breadfruit to meet required safety and quality standards. Fruit that does not meet these standards will be denied upon delivery or its volume deducted from the total harvest.
Download the Guide (PDF) for a printable version of our harvesting guidelines.
There are many ‘ulu varieties in Hawai‘i today and their maturity indicators may vary. However, common varieties display similar qualities throughout their ripening process, as illustrated below. At this time we are accepting fruit that is fully mature as Grade A. We do not accept any aborted or immature fruits. Contact us for help identifying your variety and maturity indicators.
Do not harvest fruit that has fallen onto the ground. When harvesting, avoid letting fruit hit the ground to prevent bruising. Deep lacerations are not acceptable. Ensure fruit is not cut by picker blade.
Sort harvested fruit into two groups: Grade A and Grade B. Grade A fruit is at least 5 inches in diameter and smooth all the way around. Grade B fruit is less than 5 inches in diameter, dimpled, deformed. For Grade A ‘ulu, the co-op pays $1.30/lb. to members and $1.00/lb. to non-members. For Grade B ‘ulu, the co-op pays 90¢/lb. to members and 65¢/lb. to non-members.
Please note that we are no longer accepting immature or ripe fruits.
We have a network of trained harvesters we can connect you with!
Eligibility requirements:
- HUC member in good standing
- Trees must be harvestable (25 feet tall or less). Need a pruner? Contact us.
- Willing to split fruit payment 50/50 with harvester
- If you have LFA, must provide soapy water bath supplies for harvester’s use on farm
Allow sap to drain from fruit immediately after harvesting by cutting stem close to base and laying fruit stem side down.
Keep fruit cool! Harvest during cool temperatures, such as early in the morning, keep fruit out of sun, and/or use cooling techniques such as a water bath or air cooling (optimum storage conditions are 54 to 57ºF).
Wash fruit with potable water to remove field debris.
Fruit must be free of pests. If your crops have Little Fire Ants (LFA), add ¼ tsp (1.25 ml) of liquid dishwashing detergent per gallon of water and completely submerge fruit for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with potable water.
Pack in ventilated sanitary or single use containers, and deliver to the coop within 24 hours.
Deliveries must total 25 pounds or more.
This low-cost “equipment share” is available for co-op members only, and enables you to conveniently drop off fruit in specialized harvesting crates and pick up containers in good condition, for your next harvest. Contact us for more information!
See our crop drop off locations for where to deliver your crop on different islands!
Download the Guide (PDF) for a printable version of our harvesting guidelines.
Check out our video on How to Harvest ʻUlu to learn more harvesting tips.