Primer History

Harvest & Post-Harvest

Breadfruit Manual: A Manual for Growing and Marketing Breadfruit

This manual, prepared by Andrew McGregor, Kaitu Erasito, Kyle Stice and Livai Tora, gives a very comprehensive overview of growing breadfruit and selling it.

Buy ʻUlu Trees

ʻUlu Harvesting Support Services

Find help with harvest, purchase crates, and order specialized 'ulu pickers!

How to Harvest ʻUlu: A Grower’s Guide

Hear from Hawaiʻi farmers as they share the secrets to successful ʻulu (breadfruit) harvesting in this producer educational video

ʻUlu Varieties in Hawaiʻi

In this video, we explore the characteristics of the 7 most common varieties of ʻulu in Hawaiʻi

ʻUlu Nutrient Management

Interested in learning about which nutrients ʻulu (breadfruit) trees need to stay healthy and produce a good crop? This excellent video resource for growers was filmed during our ʻulu nutrient workshop in June 2020

ʻUlu Grafting – Basics

In this video, Anthony Anderson of Grow Paradise shares the basics of tree grafting best practices and walks the viewer through the grafting process step by step.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: Maintenance Pruning, Part 1

Arborist Trent Coffman explains the pruning approach and the importance of reducing light competition in fruit orchard.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: Maintenance Pruning, Part 2

Arborist describes a selective branch cutting approach on an 8-year-old Ma‘afala tree.

How to cook ʻUlu using traditional methods

ʻUlu is a traditional staple crop that has been cherished by many cultures across Polynesia for centuries. During ʻulu season, the fruit is enjoyed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.