‘Ulu Deficiency Symptoms in Hawai‘i
We often get asked, “What’s wrong with my ʻulu?” - help with diagnosis can be found here.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: Selective Branch Cutting – How to Select
Watch as Arborist Chris Carter chooses which branches to remove in the canopy.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: Rejuvenating Pruning
Reducing height on a tall, 50-year-old Hawaiian ‘Ulu tree at HUPC member Jack Turner’s farm.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: Reducing a Very Tall Tree
Watch an explanation of a tree height reduction on an over 50-year-old Hawaiian ‘Ulu variety at HUPC member Debbie Ward’s farm in April 2018.

ʻUlu Agroforestry in Hawaiʻi
Hawaiʻi ʻUlu Cooperative and partners have developed this guide to implementing sustainable, achievable, and effective agroforestry methods for Hawaiʻi farmers.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: In-Progress Pruning, Part 1
Not sure which branches to select? Take a look as Arborist Chris tops and thins out a tall Hawaiian ‘Ulu tree.

Breadfruit Tree Pruning Guide: In-Progress Pruning, Part 2
See more about thinning branches to improve sunlight for ‘ulu and other crops. Chris will go up in the tree to take out branches that have re-grown from the last pruning session.

Breadfruit vs. Jackfruit
Close relatives breadfruit and jackfruit are often confused with each other so we wanted to share some of the main differences and similarities between them to help clear things up--then it’s up to you to decide which to eat!

ʻUlu Education Toolkit
The toolkit is an interdisciplinary, standards-aligned, searchable online database of ʻulu and other indigenous crops resources to help anchor the Farm to School movement within the lives of Hawaiʻi’s youth.

Pruning Breadfruit Handbook
The form and amount of pruning depends on factors such as: tree age, existing tree structure, cropping system, and the owner’s goals and purpose for pruning.

Breadfruit Harvesting Guideline
This guideline is intended to help co-op members and suppliers properly identify, harvest, and handle mature breadfruit to meet required safety and quality standards.

Cultivation Potential of Breadfruit in Hawaiʻi
Are you curious how ʻulu might grow at your location – either now or in the future?